If you pay too much for your health insurance you probably have not checked all the details of your policy, but if you continue to pay for this overcharged policy month after month
you have only yourself to blame!
you have only yourself to blame!
FACT: So many self-employed people worry night and day about their lack of
a good health insurance policy so much that they don't really give very much thought about the details of what is a good policy.
a good health insurance policy so much that they don't really give very much thought about the details of what is a good policy.
Remember it's the health insurance policy that costs you month after month.even though you are rarely sick and don't file any claims.
FACT: When I complained over some of the more outrageous premiums some health insurance companies were wringing out of unsuspecting Policy holders
I had a Vice-President tell me there was this little known code of silence among underwriters about all the extra charges---his exact words were honor among thieves.
Well I say enough is enough!
Let me pause here and tell you what is really taking place.
(Former Health Insurance Executive pulls back the curtain.)
Whether you are a self-employed individual and or head of a family---I am going to show you how to get a health insurance policy without getting ripped off in extra charges, deposits, and other illegal rebating schemes.then I'll show you how to stay on top of your health needs and all the other details so your health insurance policy sets you free financially and with a new peace of mind.
Yes, that's a tall order and I know you're probably skeptical.
That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons I can back up what I claim:
Why should you listen to me?
Why should you listen to me?
First reason: Did you know that many health insurance providers can (and will) charge you so much extra in premiums and fees that they actually make more money than
the hospitals and doctors?
the hospitals and doctors?
As a 14 year veteran of the health insurance business I have seen a long list of practices that would make most people want to throw up their hands in disgust. I've seen health insurance underwriters charge buyers more dollars in premiums just to make a higher commission.
Yes, it is a sad situation but absolutely true!
Self-employed individuals have been taken advantage of just because they own their own business. And have been charged thousands of dollars extra because they work for themselves.
I got into the health insurance business to help people... not to take advantage of them.
I got so frustrated about it I decided to do something about it.
So that's why I wrote an ebook:
It helps you save up to $7,000 or more every year starting right now!
How to Buy Affordable Low Cost Self-Employed Health Insurance
It helps you save up to $7,000 or more every year starting right now!
Second reason: The valuable tips and methods in this ebook come right out of selling health
insurance in the field from town to town by the author who has actually been there. A veteran road warrior who made his living from commissions nothing else.
No salary no expense account and no company car. The hard cold fact was if you didn't sell anything you didn't eat sleep or drive very far on no commissions. Having worked in some of the most affluent counties and some of the most rural low income counties I have seen it all. I have been there..done that
and brought home a t-shirt that says:
The information in this ebook has helped literally thousands of self-employed people just like you to understand, evaluate and exercise their BEST OPTIONS in buying
a health insurance policy.
insurance in the field from town to town by the author who has actually been there. A veteran road warrior who made his living from commissions nothing else.
No salary no expense account and no company car. The hard cold fact was if you didn't sell anything you didn't eat sleep or drive very far on no commissions. Having worked in some of the most affluent counties and some of the most rural low income counties I have seen it all. I have been there..done that
and brought home a t-shirt that says:
This isn't the end of the world,
but you can see it from here!
but you can see it from here!
The information in this ebook has helped literally thousands of self-employed people just like you to understand, evaluate and exercise their BEST OPTIONS in buying
a health insurance policy.
You get all my experience from thousands of sold policies boiled down into one, simple-to-understand easy to read and use ebook for getting the lowest possible premium rate and the highest lifetime maximum coverage guaranteed renewable year after year.
Third Reason: This information in my ebook works no matter what your situation is as a self employed individual and or family with children. Whether you just recently became self-employed
or you have been self-employed for years. I don.t have anything to gain financially by which health insurance provider and plan you choose as a result of the advice in this ebook.
or you have been self-employed for years. I don.t have anything to gain financially by which health insurance provider and plan you choose as a result of the advice in this ebook.
Frankly, there was always something that rubbed me the wrong way about health insurance companies and their underwriters. It was always an unspoken thing that their advice always seemed to come back to the dollar amount of the premium and what would make them the most money. Never what was best for the policy holder.
Uprating the amount of the premium along with some other hidden costs because the buyer had some bad luck. health problems that would in turn make him or her a poor health risk is almost a common practice.
Uprating the amount of the premium along with some other hidden costs because the buyer had some bad luck. health problems that would in turn make him or her a poor health risk is almost a common practice.
And by the way...As you read this the most common behind the scenes story is that in the not too distant future most major companies will have canceled their former full paid or partially paid
employee health policies because they cannot afford to pay for the premiums. This means thousands will have to do exactly as self employed people do and that is get their own policy.
employee health policies because they cannot afford to pay for the premiums. This means thousands will have to do exactly as self employed people do and that is get their own policy.
Now is the time for you as a self employed independent contractor to find the very best health insurance policy before thousands more have their policies cancelled and have to go out on the regular market and shop for Insurance.
Because of this and other fast moving health insurance market upheavals.you must get this ebook to stay ahead of the changes and protect yourself and or your family
as a self employed individual.
as a self employed individual.
The most important questions to ask any health insurance provider:
1.Learn to ask the questions that put health insurance people on the spot and prevents them from using bait and switch to confuse you into paying higher premiums.
2. Understand just a few simple but very effective tips to avoid paying too much for your policy.
3. Keep more money in your bank account and out of the health insurance companies treasury unless you like giving all your dollars to a health insurance provider.
4. Discover the most valuable negotiating tool you have as a buyer.
5. Now you can get the same power position as a buyer who is paying for the entire annual cost of his health insurance and getting a discount.
6. Learn how to avoid being pushed, shoved and nudged into making a quick decision on your health insurance policy. Thanks to the internet you can make many accurate comparisons before you buy.
7. How to recognize a health insurance professional who sincerely wants to help you find the best policy and which ones either want to squeeze every last dollar out of you and doesn't care about you once he gets your money.
8. How to find out what is the right premium payment for the policy coverage you need and want?
9. How to save thousands of dollars after you sign for the health policy you like and need.
10.How to avoid making decisions based on your emotions instead of on fact which will save
you hundreds of dollars in extra costs.
You Will Also Learn The Following Information:
* Get the lowest possible health insurance policy for self-employed people like you in todays market.
* How to deal with health insurance agents.
* How to remember all the questions you need to ask them.
* Make sure you know how to choose the right health plan.
* How to compare costs with other providers. plans.
* What are the decisions you need to make.
* How many problems will you face. And much more!
* You will get this ebook packed from beginning to end with examples andmethods you need
to understand to make a sound decision on your health insurance policy.
to understand to make a sound decision on your health insurance policy.
* The complete ebook is downloaded digitally from the Internet ---so there's no waiting. You could be enjoying the benefits from this breakthrough Ebook within 5 minutes!
* I will also guarantee that you get AN incredible Bonus WORTH $50 OR MORE at no extra cost if you ACT NOW!
* I will also guarantee that you get AN incredible Bonus WORTH $50 OR MORE at no extra cost if you ACT NOW!
There is a lot of confusion about health insurance policies and what is happening to many people who have had their policy canceled and not renewed period!
You just can.t lose with my 100% no-risk,
56 Day Money-back guarantee!
56 Day Money-back guarantee!
The risk is something we gladly assume, since we know you'll realize just how valuable this ebook is to your future free of worrying about your health insurance coverage.
Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren't thrilled and satisfied with this ebook, just send us an email within 56 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price.
No hard feelings!
Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren't thrilled and satisfied with this ebook, just send us an email within 56 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price.
No hard feelings!
great post thank you